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Sabtu, 06 November 2010

incip incip firefox 4.0 di ubuntu 10.04 via ppa

Firefox 4 (masih status beta ketika tulisan ini dibuat) diperkenalkan oleh mozilla. Untuk lengkapnya silahkan merujuk ke link yang diberikan.
Untuk incip-incip versi 4 ini tidak dengan cara build langsung via source karena keterbatasan SDM-nya, jadi menggunakan file dari ppa.
ok, langsung aja ke TKP....
silahkan pake terminalnya dan ketikan :
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install firefox-4.0
dan monggo di incip-incip....

Read More......

Rabu, 15 September 2010

nyok...kita kompress image dilusca (Freebsd) via ziproxy....

Untuk mengenal ziproxy, silahkan melihat ke ziproxy website
Untuk keperluan ini diharapkan sudah menginstall squid/lusca di freebsd anda. Dalam hal ini ziproxy digunakan sebagai parent dari squid/lusca yang sudah dibuat.
Topologi yang saya pakai:
client ---> squid ---> ziproxy ---> INET.
dimana squid dan ziproxy berada dalam satu mesin/cpu.
Langsung ke TKP, dimana saya menginstall ziproxy via ports,
#cd /usr/ports/www/ziproxy
#make install clean
jangan lupa ditambahkan di /etc/rc.conf:
kemudian buat directory ziproxy di /var/log/ziproxy dan ubah kepemilikan kepada user dan group squid.
#mkdir /var/log/ziproxy
#chown -R squid:squid /var/log/ziproxy
selanjutnya diubah/diedit file /usr/local/etc/ziproxy/ziproxy.conf
yang diubah hanya bagian-bagian seperti dibawah ini, satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan bahwa yang dibawah ini hanya sebagian dari isi ziproxy.conf.
Port = 8081
Address = ""
RunAsUser = "squid"
RunAsGroup = "squid"
ErrorLog = "/var/log/ziproxy/error.log"
AccessLog = "/var/log/ziproxy/access.log"
TransparentProxy = false
ConventionalProxy = true
AllowMethodCONNECT = false
UseContentLength = false
LosslessCompressCT = {
LosslessCompressCTAlsoXST = true
ProcessJPG = true
ProcessPNG = true
ProcessGIF = true
ImageQuality = {50,50,50,50}
ProcessJP2 = false
ProcessToJP2 = true
ForceOutputNoJP2 = false
AnnounceJP2Capability = true
JP2ImageQuality = {50,50,50,50}
jangan lupa untuk menambahkan yang dibawah ini di squid.conf-nya:
cache_peer localhost parent 8081 0 no-query no-digest
never_direct allow all
sekarang silahkan di jalankan ziproxynya dan restart squid/lusca-nya.
menjalankan ziproxy:
#/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ziproxy onestart
merestart squid:
#squid -k reconfigure

Read More......

Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

yuk mainan unbound DNS resolver ........

Buat yang berkecimpung di dunia jaringan komputer sudah tidak asing dengan namanya DNS resolver. Tanya mbah google aja ya tentang apa itu DNS resolver? :D
Bagi saya yang telah terbiasa dengan DNS resolver bawaan mikrotik (dulu pakenya karena segi kepraktisan saja, tidak ada yang lain :D ), sejalan dengan bertambahnya cpu untuk kepentingan pengaturan internet kantor (tambah satu buat Proxy, saya pake OS FreeBSD yang didalamnya ditanam Lusca HEAD cache) ditambah racun dari forum mikrotik indonesiamaka diputuskan untuk mencobanya. Untuk caranya (dalam hal ini di FreeBSD) bisa merujuk ke link tadi atau bisa dilihat di hasil copas ini (credit to bro siber @ forummikrotik[dot]com) :
cara install :
cd /usr/ports/dns/unbound
make config (centang Libevent & Thread)
make install clean
cd /usr/local/etc/unbound
fetch ftp://FTP.INTERNIC.NET/domain/named.cache
chown unbound:wheel unbound_*
chmod 440 unbound_*
mkdir /usr/local/etc/unbound/dev
echo "devfs /usr/local/etc/unbound/dev devfs rw \
0 0" >> /etc/fstab
echo 'unbound_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
echo 'devfs_set_rulesets="/usr/local/etc/unbound/dev=unbound_ruleset"' \
>> /etc/rc.conf

cara config:

verbosity: 5
statistics-interval: 120
num-threads: 2

outgoing-range: 512
num-queries-per-thread: 1024

msg-cache-size: 16m
rrset-cache-size: 32m

msg-cache-slabs: 4
rrset-cache-slabs: 4

cache-max-ttl: 86400
infra-host-ttl: 60
infra-lame-ttl: 120

infra-cache-numhosts: 10000
infra-cache-lame-size: 10k

do-ip4: yes
do-ip6: no
do-udp: yes
do-tcp: yes
do-daemonize: yes

access-control: allow
access-control: allow

chroot: "/usr/local/etc/unbound"
username: "unbound"
directory: "/usr/local/etc/unbound"
#logfile: "/usr/local/etc/unbound/unbound.log"
#use-syslog: yes
logfile: ""
use-syslog: no
pidfile: "/usr/local/etc/unbound/unbound.pid"
root-hints: "/usr/local/etc/unbound/named.cache"

identity: "DNS"
version: "1.0"
hide-identity: yes
hide-version: yes
harden-glue: yes
do-not-query-localhost: yes
module-config: "iterator"

local-zone: "localhost." static
local-data: "localhost. 10800 IN NS localhost."
local-data: "localhost. 10800 IN SOA localhost. \
nobody.invalid. 1 3600 1200 604800 10800"
local-data: "localhost. 10800 IN A"

local-zone: "127.in-addr.arpa." static
local-data: "127.in-addr.arpa. 10800 IN NS localhost."
local-data: "127.in-addr.arpa. 10800 IN SOA localhost. \
nobody.invalid. 2 3600 1200 604800 10800"
local-data: " 10800 IN PTR localhost."

local-zone: "xxxxx.net." static
local-data: "xxxxx.net. 86400 IN NS ns1.xxxxx.net."
local-data: "xxxxx.net. 86400 IN NS ns2.xxxxx.net."
local-data: "xxxxx.net. 86400 IN SOA xxxxx.net. \
hostmaster.xxxxx.net.net. 3 3600 1200 604800 86400"
local-data: "xxxxx.net. 86400 IN A"
local-data: "www.xxxxx.net. 86400 IN A"
local-data: "ns1.xxxxx.net. 86400 IN A"
local-data: "ns1.xxxxx.net. 86400 IN A"
local-data: "mail.x.x.x.net. 86400 IN A"
local-data: "xxxxx.net. 86400 IN MX 10 mail.xxxxx.net."
local-data: "xxxxx.net. 86400 IN TXT v=spf1 a mx ~all"

local-zone: "17.16.172.in-addr.arpa." static
local-data: "17.16.172.in-addr.arpa. 10800 IN NS xxxxx.net."
local-data: "17.16.172.in-addr.arpa. 10800 IN SOA xxxxx.net. \
hostmaster.xxxxx.net. 4 3600 1200 604800 864000"
local-data: " 10800 IN PTR xxxxx.net."
local-data: " 10800 IN PTR nms.xxxxx.net."
local-data: " 10800 IN PTR sadewa.xxxxx.net."
name: "."
forward-addr: 202.155.x.x
forward-addr: 202.155.x.x

control-enable: yes
control-port: 953
server-key-file: "/usr/local/etc/unbound/unbound_server.key"
server-cert-file: "/usr/local/etc/unbound/unbound_server.pem"
control-key-file: "/usr/local/etc/unbound/unbound_control.key"
control-cert-file: "/usr/local/etc/unbound/unbound_control.pem"
cara pakai:
arahkan semua client untuk menggunakan DNS server dengan IP dimana unbound diinstall, semisal unbound diinstall di komputer dengan IP, maka DNS komputer client di isi dengan ip

happy oprek

Read More......

Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

(sedikit) patch untuk lusca cache

Sebelumnya terima kasih untuk mereka-mereka yang telah susah payah membuat agar Lusca cache semakin sempurna dengan membuat patch-patch.
sekarang ijinkan saya untuk mencopas karya mereka. Adapun patch-patch ini memiliki kegunaan antara lain:

1. Ignore-Must-Revalidate patch.
2. Improve %nn parser patch.
3. Memoryleak on maformed requests patch.
4. Async request doesn't use store_url when available patch.
5. HTTP responses with no Date patch.
6. Squid crashes on assert patch.
7. Correct If-(None-)Match: * processing patch.
8. -F switch doesn't block requests while COSS store is being rebuilt patch.
9. Removes Cache-Control request headers, don’t let clients by-pass cache if it is primed.
10. Normalize Accept-Encoding Headers for a higher cache hit rate.
11. Clear Accept-Encoding Headers for content that should not be compressed such as image,video and audio.
berikut ini patchnya..

*** lib/rfc1738.c 2009-11-05 11:56:18.000000000 +0700
--- lib/rfc1738.c 2010-07-09 08:31:42.000000000 +0700
*** 204,233 ****
* rfc1738_unescape() - Converts escaped characters (%xy numbers) in
* given the string. %% is a %. %ab is the 8-bit hexadecimal number "ab"
! rfc1738_unescape(char *s)
! char hexnum[3];
int i, j; /* i is write, j is read */
! unsigned int x;
for (i = j = 0; s[j]; i++, j++) {
s[i] = s[j];
! if (s[i] != '%')
! continue;
! if (s[j + 1] == '%') { /* %% case */
! j++;
! continue;
! }
! if (s[j + 1] && s[j + 2]) {
! if (s[j + 1] == '0' && s[j + 2] == '0') { /* case */
! j += 2;
! continue;
! }
! hexnum[0] = s[j + 1];
! hexnum[1] = s[j + 2];
! hexnum[2] = '\0';
! if (1 == sscanf(hexnum, "%x", &x)) {
! s[i] = (char) (0x0ff & x);
j += 2;
--- 204,247 ----
* rfc1738_unescape() - Converts escaped characters (%xy numbers) in
* given the string. %% is a %. %ab is the 8-bit hexadecimal number "ab"
+ static inline int
+ fromhex(char ch)
+ {
+ if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
+ return ch - '0';
+ if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')
+ return ch - 'a' + 10;
+ if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')
+ return ch - 'A' + 10;
+ return -1;
+ }
! rfc1738_unescape(char *s_)
! /* char hexnum[3]; */
! unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *) s_;
int i, j; /* i is write, j is read */
! /* unsigned int x; */
for (i = j = 0; s[j]; i++, j++) {
s[i] = s[j];
! if (s[j] != '%') {
! /* normal case, nothing more to do */
! } else if (s[j + 1] == '%') { /* %% case */
! j++; /* Skip % */
! } else {
! /* decode */
! int v1, v2, x;
! v1 = fromhex(s[j + 1]);
! if (v2 < 0)
! continue; /* non-hex or \0 */
! v2 = fromhex(s[j + 2]);
! if (v2 < 0)
! continue; /* non-hex or \0 */
! /* fromhex returns -1 on error which brings this out of range (|, not +) */
! x = v1 << 4 | v2;
! if (x > 0 && x <= 255) {
! s[i] = x;
j += 2;

*** src/cache_cf.c 2010-02-16 18:21:51.000000000 +0700
--- src/cache_cf.c 2010-07-09 08:31:41.000000000 +0700
*** 489,494 ****
--- 489,500 ----
for (R = Config.Refresh; R; R = R->next) {
+ if (!R->flags.ignore_must_revalidate)
+ continue;
+ debug(22, 1) ("WARNING: use of 'ignore-must-revalidate' in 'refresh_pattern' violates HTTP\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ for (R = Config.Refresh; R; R = R->next) {
if (R->stale_while_revalidate <= 0)
debug(22, 1) ("WARNING: use of 'stale-while-revalidate' in 'refresh_pattern' violates HTTP\n");
*** 2261,2266 ****
--- 2267,2274 ----
storeAppendPrintf(entry, " ignore-private");
if (head->flags.ignore_auth)
storeAppendPrintf(entry, " ignore-auth");
+ if (head->flags.ignore_must_revalidate)
+ storeAppendPrintf(entry, " ignore-must-revalidate");
if (head->stale_while_revalidate > 0)
storeAppendPrintf(entry, " stale-while-revalidate=%d", head->stale_while_revalidate);
*** 2293,2298 ****
--- 2301,2307 ----
int ignore_no_cache = 0;
int ignore_no_store = 0;
int ignore_private = 0;
+ int ignore_must_revalidate = 0;
int ignore_auth = 0;
int stale_while_revalidate = -1;
*** 2338,2343 ****
--- 2347,2354 ----
ignore_private = 1;
else if (!strcmp(token, "ignore-auth"))
ignore_auth = 1;
+ else if (!strcmp(token, "ignore-must-revalidate"))
+ ignore_must_revalidate = 1;
else if (!strcmp(token, "reload-into-ims")) {
reload_into_ims = 1;
refresh_nocache_hack = 1;
*** 2397,2402 ****
--- 2408,2415 ----
t->flags.ignore_no_store = 1;
if (ignore_private)
t->flags.ignore_private = 1;
+ if (ignore_must_revalidate)
+ t->flags.ignore_must_revalidate = 1;
if (ignore_auth)
t->flags.ignore_auth = 1;

*** src/cf.data.pre 2010-03-25 21:25:33.000000000 +0700
--- src/cf.data.pre 2010-07-09 08:31:41.000000000 +0700
*** 3125,3130 ****
--- 3125,3131 ----
+ ignore-must-revalidate
*** 3164,3169 ****
--- 3165,3175 ----
from a server, only a client, though plenty of servers
send it anyway.

+ ignore-must-revalidate ignores any ``Cache-Control: must-revalidate''
+ headers received from a server. Doing this VIOLATES
+ the HTTP standard. Enabling this feature could make you
+ liable for problems which it causes.
ignore-private ignores any ``Cache-control: private''
headers received from a server. Doing this VIOLATES
the HTTP standard. Enabling this feature could make you

*** src/client_side_async_refresh.c 2010-05-20 16:19:09.000000000 +0700
--- src/client_side_async_refresh.c 2010-07-09 08:31:42.000000000 +0700
*** 76,81 ****
--- 76,83 ----
accessLogLog(&al, ch);
storeClientUnregister(async->sc, async->entry, async);
+ storeUnlockObject(async->entry->mem_obj->old_entry);
+ async->entry->mem_obj->old_entry = NULL;
*** 129,134 ****
--- 131,138 ----
async->entry = storeCreateEntry(url,
+ if (request->store_url)
+ storeEntrySetStoreUrl(async->entry, request->store_url);
async->entry->mem_obj->old_entry = async->old_entry;
async->sc = storeClientRegister(async->entry, async);

*** src/client_side.c 2010-07-08 14:22:01.000000000 +0700
--- src/client_side.c 2010-07-09 08:31:42.000000000 +0700
*** 975,980 ****
--- 975,1005 ----
return 1;

+ /*
+ * Internal helper function for If-(None-)Match logics
+ */
+ static int
+ checkIfMatch(request_t * request, MemObject * mem, http_hdr_type hdr)
+ {
+ String req_etags;
+ const char *rep_etag;
+ int etag_match = 0;
+ if (mem->reply->sline.status != HTTP_OK) {
+ debug(33, 4) ("checkIfMatch: Reply code %d != 200\n",
+ mem->reply->sline.status);
+ return -1; /* Can't check */
+ }
+ rep_etag = httpHeaderGetStr(&mem->reply->header, HDR_ETAG);
+ req_etags = httpHeaderGetList(&request->header, hdr);
+ if (rep_etag)
+ etag_match = strListIsMember(&req_etags, rep_etag, ',');
+ if (!etag_match)
+ etag_match = strListIsMember(&req_etags, "*", ',');
+ stringClean(&req_etags);
+ return etag_match;
+ }
* clientCacheHit should only be called until the HTTP reply headers
* have been parsed. Normally this should be a single call, but
*** 1098,1142 ****
if (httpHeaderHas(&r->header, HDR_IF_MATCH)) {
! const char *rep_etag = httpHeaderGetStr(&e->mem_obj->reply->header, HDR_ETAG);
! int has_etag = 0;
! if (rep_etag) {
! String req_etags = httpHeaderGetList(&http->request->header, HDR_IF_MATCH);
! has_etag = strListIsMember(&req_etags, rep_etag, ',');
! stringClean(&req_etags);
! }
! if (!has_etag) {
/* The entity tags does not match. This cannot be a hit for this object.
* Query the origin to see what should be done.
http->log_type = LOG_TCP_MISS;
if (httpHeaderHas(&r->header, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH)) {
! String req_etags;
! const char *rep_etag = httpHeaderGetStr(&e->mem_obj->reply->header, HDR_ETAG);
! int has_etag;
! if (mem->reply->sline.status != HTTP_OK) {
! debug(33, 4) ("clientCacheHit: Reply code %d != 200\n",
! mem->reply->sline.status);
http->log_type = LOG_TCP_MISS;
! if (rep_etag) {
! req_etags = httpHeaderGetList(&http->request->header, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH);
! has_etag = strListIsMember(&req_etags, rep_etag, ',');
! stringClean(&req_etags);
! if (has_etag) {
! debug(33, 4) ("clientCacheHit: If-None-Match matches\n");
! if (is_modified == -1)
! is_modified = 0;
! } else {
! debug(33, 4) ("clientCacheHit: If-None-Match mismatch\n");
! is_modified = 1;
! }
if (r->flags.ims && mem->reply->sline.status == HTTP_OK) {
--- 1123,1156 ----
if (httpHeaderHas(&r->header, HDR_IF_MATCH)) {
! int etag_match = checkIfMatch(r, mem, HDR_IF_MATCH);
! if (etag_match != 1) {
/* The entity tags does not match. This cannot be a hit for this object.
* Query the origin to see what should be done.
+ + debug(33, 4) ("clientCacheHit: If-Match mismatch\n");
http->log_type = LOG_TCP_MISS;
if (httpHeaderHas(&r->header, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH)) {
! int etag_match = checkIfMatch(r, mem, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH);
! if (etag_match == -1) {
! debug(33, 4) ("clientCacheHit: If-None-Match failure\n");
http->log_type = LOG_TCP_MISS;
! if (etag_match) {
! debug(33, 4) ("clientCacheHit: If-None-Match matches\n");
! if (is_modified == -1)
! is_modified = 0;
! } else {
! debug(33, 4) ("clientCacheHit: If-None-Match mismatch\n");
! is_modified = 1;
if (r->flags.ims && mem->reply->sline.status == HTTP_OK) {
*** 1156,1175 ****
* where the redirect is not explicitly as uncachable.
* Deny looping here and do not cache the response.
- #if 0
* XXX strcmp() sucks but the strings are both C strings. Look at String'ifying it
* XXX soon!
! if (mem->reply->sline.status >= 300 && mem->reply->sline.status < 400) {
! if (!strcmp(http->uri, httpHeaderGetStr(&e->mem_obj->reply->header, HDR_LOCATION))) {
! debug(33, 1) ("clientCacheHit: Redirect Loop Detected: %s\n",http->uri);
! http->log_type = LOG_TCP_MISS;
! clientProcessMiss(http);
! return;
! }
! }
! #endif
stale = refreshCheckHTTPStale(e, r);
debug(33, 2) ("clientCacheHit: refreshCheckHTTPStale returned %d\n", stale);
if (stale == 0) {
--- 1170,1188 ----
* where the redirect is not explicitly as uncachable.
* Deny looping here and do not cache the response.
* XXX strcmp() sucks but the strings are both C strings. Look at String'ifying it
* XXX soon!
! if (mem->reply->sline.status >= 300 && mem->reply->sline.status < 400) {
! if (httpHeaderHas(&e->mem_obj->reply->header, HDR_LOCATION))
! if (!strcmp(http->uri,httpHeaderGetStr(&e->mem_obj->reply->header, HDR_LOCATION))) {
! debug(33, 2) ("clientCacheHit: Redirect Loop Detected: %s\n",http->uri);
! http->log_type = LOG_TCP_MISS;
! clientProcessMiss(http);
! return;
! }
! }
stale = refreshCheckHTTPStale(e, r);
debug(33, 2) ("clientCacheHit: refreshCheckHTTPStale returned %d\n", stale);
if (stale == 0) {

*** src/client_side_etag.c 2010-02-14 14:34:59.000000000 +0700
--- src/client_side_etag.c 2010-07-09 08:31:41.000000000 +0700
*** 63,69 ****
if (etag && vary) {
char *str;
str = stringDupToC(&request->vary_encoding);
! storeAddVary(url, entry->mem_obj->method, NULL, httpHeaderGetStr(&rep->header, HDR_ETAG), request->vary_hdr, request->vary_headers, str);
--- 63,69 ----
if (etag && vary) {
char *str;
str = stringDupToC(&request->vary_encoding);
! storeAddVary(entry->mem_obj->store_url, entry->mem_obj->url, entry->mem_obj->method, NULL, httpHeaderGetStr(&rep->header, HDR_ETAG), request->vary_hdr, request->vary_headers, str);

*** src/client_side_ims.c 2010-02-19 14:57:27.000000000 +0700
--- src/client_side_ims.c 2010-07-09 08:31:42.000000000 +0700
*** 164,175 ****
/* If the ETag matches the clients If-None-Match, then return
* the servers 304 reply
! if (httpHeaderHas(&new_entry->mem_obj->reply->header, HDR_ETAG) &&
! httpHeaderHas(&request->header, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH)) {
! const char *etag = httpHeaderGetStr(&new_entry->mem_obj->reply->header, HDR_ETAG);
String etags = httpHeaderGetList(&request->header, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH);
! int etag_match = strListIsMember(&etags, etag, ',');
if (etag_match) {
debug(33, 5) ("clientGetsOldEntry: NO, client If-None-Match\n");
return 0;
--- 164,182 ----
/* If the ETag matches the clients If-None-Match, then return
* the servers 304 reply
! if (httpHeaderHas(&request->header, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH)) {
String etags = httpHeaderGetList(&request->header, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH);
! int etag_match = 0;
! if (httpHeaderHas(&new_entry->mem_obj->reply->header, HDR_ETAG)) {
! const char *etag = httpHeaderGetStr(&new_entry->mem_obj->reply->header, HDR_ETAG);
! etag_match = strListIsMember(&etags, etag, ',');
! }
! if (!etag_match && strListIsMember(&etags, "*", ','))
! etag_match = 1;
if (etag_match) {
debug(33, 5) ("clientGetsOldEntry: NO, client If-None-Match\n");
return 0;

*** src/fs/coss/store_io_coss.c 2009-07-27 10:14:38.000000000 +0700
--- src/fs/coss/store_io_coss.c 2010-07-09 08:31:42.000000000 +0700
*** 157,166 ****

/* Check to see if we need to allocate a membuf to start */
if (cs->current_membuf == NULL) {
! if (cs->curstripe < (cs->numstripes - 1))
! newmb = storeCossCreateMemBuf(SD, cs->curstripe + 1, checkf, &coll);
! else
! newmb = storeCossCreateMemBuf(SD, 0, checkf, &coll);

cs->current_membuf = newmb;
if (newmb == NULL) {
--- 157,166 ----

/* Check to see if we need to allocate a membuf to start */
if (cs->current_membuf == NULL) {
! int nextstripe = cs->curstripe + 1;
! if (nextstripe >= cs->numstripes)
! nextstripe = 0;
! newmb = storeCossCreateMemBuf(SD, nextstripe, checkf, &coll);

cs->current_membuf = newmb;
if (newmb == NULL) {
*** 169,215 ****
cs->current_offset = cs->current_membuf->diskstart;

! /* Check if we have overflowed the disk .. */
! } else if ((cs->current_offset + allocsize) > ((off_t) SD->max_size << 10)) {
! /*
! * tried to allocate past the end of the disk, so wrap
! * back to the beginning
! */
! coss_stats.disk_overflows++;
! cs->current_membuf->flags.full = 1;
! cs->numfullstripes++;
! cs->current_membuf->diskend = cs->current_offset;
! storeCossMaybeWriteMemBuf(SD, cs->current_membuf);
! /* cs->current_membuf may be invalid at this point */
! cs->current_offset = 0; /* wrap back to beginning */
! debug(79, 2) ("storeCossAllocate: %s: wrap to 0\n", stripePath(SD));
! newmb = storeCossCreateMemBuf(SD, 0, checkf, &coll);
! cs->current_membuf = newmb;
! if (newmb == NULL) {
! cs->sizerange_max = SD->max_objsize;
! return -1;
! }
! /* Check if we have overflowed the MemBuf */
! } else if ((cs->current_offset + allocsize) >= cs->current_membuf->diskend) {
* Skip the blank space at the end of the stripe. start over.
cs->current_membuf->flags.full = 1;
! cs->current_offset = cs->current_membuf->diskend;
storeCossMaybeWriteMemBuf(SD, cs->current_membuf);
/* cs->current_membuf may be invalid at this point */
debug(79, 3) ("storeCossAllocate: %s: New offset - %" PRId64 "\n", stripePath(SD),
(int64_t) cs->current_offset);
! assert(cs->curstripe < (cs->numstripes - 1));
! newmb = storeCossCreateMemBuf(SD, cs->curstripe + 1, checkf, &coll);
cs->current_membuf = newmb;
if (newmb == NULL) {
cs->sizerange_max = SD->max_objsize;
return -1;
/* If we didn't get a collision, then update the current offset and return it */
if (coll == 0) {
--- 169,211 ----
cs->current_offset = cs->current_membuf->diskstart;

! } else if ((cs->current_offset + allocsize) > cs->current_membuf->diskend) {
* Skip the blank space at the end of the stripe. start over.
+ int nextstripe = cs->curstripe + 1;
cs->current_membuf->flags.full = 1;
! /* Check if we have overflowed the disk .. */
! if (nextstripe >= cs->numstripes) {
! /*
! * tried to allocate past the end of the disk, so wrap
! * back to the beginning
! */
! debug(79, 2) ("storeCossAllocate: %s: wrap to 0\n", stripePath(SD));
! nextstripe = 0; /* wrap back to beginning */
! coss_stats.disk_overflows++;
! /* Original disk wrap code also had this, but looks wrong to
! * me as it leaves garbage at the end of the disk. Either we
! * should do it in both cases, or not at all
! */
! cs->current_membuf->diskend = cs->current_offset;
! #endif
! }
storeCossMaybeWriteMemBuf(SD, cs->current_membuf);
/* cs->current_membuf may be invalid at this point */
debug(79, 3) ("storeCossAllocate: %s: New offset - %" PRId64 "\n", stripePath(SD),
(int64_t) cs->current_offset);
! assert(nextstripe <>numstripes);
! newmb = storeCossCreateMemBuf(SD, nextstripe, checkf, &coll);
cs->current_membuf = newmb;
if (newmb == NULL) {
cs->sizerange_max = SD->max_objsize;
return -1;
+ cs->current_offset = cs->current_membuf->diskstart;
/* If we didn't get a collision, then update the current offset and return it */
if (coll == 0) {

*** src/http.c 2010-04-20 12:01:43.000000000 +0700
--- src/http.c 2010-07-09 08:31:42.000000000 +0700
*** 334,352 ****
if (!refreshIsCachable(httpState->entry) && !REFRESH_OVERRIDE(store_stale))
return 0;
- /* don't cache objects from peers w/o LMT, Date, or Expires */
- /* check that is it enough to check headers @?@ */
- if (rep->date > -1)
- return 1;
- else if (rep->last_modified > -1)
- return 1;
- else if (!httpState->peer)
- return 1;
- /* @?@ (here and 302): invalid expires header compiles to squid_curtime */
- else if (rep->expires > -1)
- return 1;
! return 0;
/* Responses that only are cacheable if the server says so */
--- 334,341 ----
if (!refreshIsCachable(httpState->entry) && !REFRESH_OVERRIDE(store_stale))
return 0;
! return 1;
/* Responses that only are cacheable if the server says so */

*** 926,932 ****
if (len > 0 && httpState->chunk_size == 0) {
if (Config.onoff.log_http_violations)
! debug(11, 1) ("httpReadReply: Unexpected reply body data from \"%s %s\"\n",
urlMethodGetConstStr(orig_request->method), storeUrl(entry));
--- 926,933 ----
if (len > 0 && httpState->chunk_size == 0) {
if (Config.onoff.log_http_violations)
! debug(11, Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser <= 0 || keep_alive ? 1 : 2)
! ("httpReadReply: Unexpected reply body data from \"%s %s\"\n",
urlMethodGetConstStr(orig_request->method), storeUrl(entry));
*** src/refresh.c 2010-04-10 13:40:41.000000000 +0700
--- src/refresh.c 2010-07-09 08:31:41.000000000 +0700
*** 274,281 ****
debug(22, 3) ("\tcheck_time:\t%s\n", mkrfc1123(check_time));
debug(22, 3) ("\tentry->timestamp:\t%s\n", mkrfc1123(entry->timestamp));

! if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_REVALIDATE) && staleness > -1) {
! debug(22, 3) ("refreshCheck: YES: Must revalidate stale response\n");
/* request-specific checks */
--- 274,285 ----
debug(22, 3) ("\tcheck_time:\t%s\n", mkrfc1123(check_time));
debug(22, 3) ("\tentry->timestamp:\t%s\n", mkrfc1123(entry->timestamp));

! if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_REVALIDATE) && staleness > -1
! && !R->flags.ignore_must_revalidate
! #endif
! ) {
! debug(22, 3) ("refreshCheck: YES: Must revalidate stale response\n");
/* request-specific checks */
*** 334,339 ****
--- 338,353 ----
* At this point the response is stale, unless one of
* the override options kicks in.
+ if (sf.expires && R->flags.override_expire && age <>min) {
+ debug(22, 3) ("refreshCheck: NO: age < min && override-expire\n");
+ }
+ if (sf.lmfactor && R->flags.override_lastmod && age <>min) {
+ debug(22, 3) ("refreshCheck: NO: age < min && override-lastmod\n");
+ }
+ #endif
if (entry->mem_obj) {
int stale_while_revalidate = -1;
if (entry->mem_obj->reply && entry->mem_obj->reply->cache_control && EBIT_TEST(entry->mem_obj->reply->cache_control->mask, CC_STALE_WHILE_REVALIDATE))
*** 357,382 ****
if (delta < 0 && staleness + delta < 0) {
! if (sf.expires) {
! if (R->flags.override_expire && age <>min) {
! debug(22, 3) ("refreshCheck: NO: age < min && override-expire\n");
! }
! #endif
- }
if (sf.max)
! if (sf.lmfactor) {
! if (R->flags.override_lastmod && age <>min) {
! debug(22, 3) ("refreshCheck: NO: age < min && override-lastmod\n");
! }
! #endif
- }

--- 371,382 ----
if (delta < 0 && staleness + delta < 0) {
! if (sf.expires)
if (sf.max)
! if (sf.lmfactor)

*** src/store.c 2010-03-06 09:36:15.000000000 +0700
--- src/store.c 2010-07-09 08:31:41.000000000 +0700
*** 553,559 ****
str = stringDupToC(&vary);
! storeAddVary(mem->url, mem->method, newkey, httpHeaderGetStr(&mem->reply->header, HDR_ETAG), str, mem->vary_headers, mem->vary_encoding);
--- 553,559 ----
str = stringDupToC(&vary);
! storeAddVary(mem->store_url, mem->url, mem->method, newkey, httpHeaderGetStr(&mem->reply->header, HDR_ETAG), str, mem->vary_headers, mem->vary_encoding);

*** src/store_client.c 2009-04-21 15:37:50.000000000 +0700
--- src/store_client.c 2010-11-24 09:51:46.000000000 +0700
*** 894,905 ****
debug(20, 3) ("CheckQuickAbort2: YES !mem->request->flags.cachable\n");
return 1;
if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, KEY_PRIVATE)) {
debug(20, 3) ("CheckQuickAbort2: YES KEY_PRIVATE\n");
return 1;
- expectlen = mem->reply->content_length + mem->reply->hdr_sz;
- curlen = mem->inmem_hi;
minlen = Config.quickAbort.min << 10;
if (minlen < 0) {
debug(20, 3) ("CheckQuickAbort2: NO disabled\n");
--- 894,909 ----
debug(20, 3) ("CheckQuickAbort2: YES !mem->request->flags.cachable\n");
return 1;
+ expectlen = httpReplyBodySize(mem->method, mem->reply) + mem->reply->hdr_sz;
+ curlen = mem->inmem_hi;
+ if (expectlen == curlen) {
+ debug(20, 3) ("CheckQuickAbort2: NO already finished\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, KEY_PRIVATE)) {
debug(20, 3) ("CheckQuickAbort2: YES KEY_PRIVATE\n");
return 1;
minlen = Config.quickAbort.min << 10;
if (minlen < 0) {
debug(20, 3) ("CheckQuickAbort2: NO disabled\n");

*** src/store_vary.c 2010-10-19 09:22:25.000000000 +0700
--- src/store_vary.c 2010-11-24 12:09:37.000000000 +0700
*** 6,11 ****
--- 6,12 ----
StoreEntry *oe;
StoreEntry *e;
store_client *sc;
+ char *store_url;
char *url;
char *key;
char *vary_headers;
*** 57,62 ****
--- 58,64 ----
state->oe = NULL;
+ safe_free(state->store_url);
*** 312,318 ****
* At leas one of key or etag must be specified, preferably both.
! storeAddVary(const char *url, method_t * method, const cache_key * key, const char *etag, const char *vary, const char *vary_headers, const char *accept_encoding)
AddVaryState *state;
request_flags flags = null_request_flags;
--- 314,320 ----
* At leas one of key or etag must be specified, preferably both.
! storeAddVary(const char *store_url, const char *url, method_t * method, const cache_key * key, const char *etag, const char *vary, const char *vary_headers, const char *accept_encoding)
AddVaryState *state;
request_flags flags = null_request_flags;
*** 326,332 ****
state->accept_encoding = xstrdup(accept_encoding);
if (etag)
state->etag = xstrdup(etag);
! state->oe = storeGetPublic(url, method);
debug(11, 2) ("storeAddVary: %s (%s) %s %s\n",
state->url, state->key, state->vary_headers, state->etag);
if (state->oe)
--- 328,334 ----
state->accept_encoding = xstrdup(accept_encoding);
if (etag)
state->etag = xstrdup(etag);
! state->oe = storeGetPublic(store_url ? store_url : url, method);
debug(11, 2) ("storeAddVary: %s (%s) %s %s\n",
state->url, state->key, state->vary_headers, state->etag);
if (state->oe)

*** src/store_vary.h 2010-02-14 14:34:59.000000000 +0700
--- src/store_vary.h 2010-07-09 08:31:42.000000000 +0700
*** 4,10 ****
extern void storeLocateVaryDone(VaryData * data);
extern void storeLocateVary(StoreEntry * e, int offset, const char *vary_data,
String accept_encoding, STLVCB * callback, void *cbdata);
! extern void storeAddVary(const char *url, method_t * method, const cache_key * key,
const char *etag, const char *vary, const char *vary_headers,
const char *accept_encoding);

--- 4,10 ----
extern void storeLocateVaryDone(VaryData * data);
extern void storeLocateVary(StoreEntry * e, int offset, const char *vary_data,
String accept_encoding, STLVCB * callback, void *cbdata);
! extern void storeAddVary(const char *store_url, const char *url, method_t * method, const cache_key * key,
const char *etag, const char *vary, const char *vary_headers,
const char *accept_encoding);

*** src/structs.h 2010-04-21 21:10:06.000000000 +0700
--- src/structs.h 2010-07-09 08:31:42.000000000 +0700
*** 1706,1712 ****
unsigned int reload_into_ims:1;
unsigned int ignore_reload:1;
unsigned int ignore_no_cache:1;
! unsigned int ignore_no_store:1;
unsigned int ignore_private:1;
unsigned int ignore_auth:1;
--- 1706,1713 ----
unsigned int reload_into_ims:1;
unsigned int ignore_reload:1;
unsigned int ignore_no_cache:1;
! unsigned int ignore_no_store:1;
! unsigned int ignore_must_revalidate:1;
unsigned int ignore_private:1;
unsigned int ignore_auth:1;

*** src/main.c 2010-04-21 21:10:06.000000000 +0700
--- src/main.c 2010-07-12 09:35:25.444745821 +0700
*** 581,587 ****

! fd_open(fileno(debug_log), FD_LOG, Config.Log.log);
--- 581,588 ----

! if (debug_log != stderr)
! fd_open(fileno(debug_log), FD_LOG, Config.Log.log);

*** src/main.c 2010-04-21 21:10:06.000000000 +0700
--- src/main.c 2010-07-15 09:08:53.385643957 +0700
*** 682,688 ****
#if USE_WCCPv2
! serverConnectionsOpen();
if (Config.chroot_dir)
--- 682,689 ----
#if USE_WCCPv2
! if (!opt_foreground_rebuild)
! serverConnectionsOpen();
if (Config.chroot_dir)
*** 911,916 ****
--- 912,922 ----
eventAdd("SquidShutdown", SquidShutdown, NULL, (double) (wait + 1), 1);
+ } else if (opt_foreground_rebuild && !store_dirs_rebuilding) {
+ opt_foreground_rebuild = 0;
+ enter_suid();
+ serverConnectionsOpen();
+ leave_suid();
/* Set a maximum loop delay; it'll be lowered elsewhere as appropriate */
loop_delay = 60000;

*** src/client_side_request_parse.c 2010-04-05 14:40:47.000000000 +0700
--- src/client_side_request_parse.c 2010-07-27 11:01:51.520075515 +0700
*** 516,521 ****
--- 516,569 ----
ret = -1;
goto finish;
+ /*
+ * Normalize Request Cache-Control / If-Modified-Since Headers
+ * Don't let client by-pass the cache if there is cached content.
+ */
+ if(httpHeaderHas(&request->header,HDR_CACHE_CONTROL)) {
+ httpHeaderDelByName(&request->header,"cache-control");
+ }
+ /*
+ * Un-comment this if you want Squid to always respond with the request
+ * instead of returning back with a 304 if the cache has not changed.
+ */
+ if(httpHeaderHas(&request->header,HDR_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE)) {
+ httpHeaderDelByName(&request->header,"if-modified-since");
+ }
+ /*
+ * Normalize Accept-Encoding Headers sent from client
+ */
+ if(httpHeaderHas(&request->header,HDR_ACCEPT_ENCODING)) {
+ String val = httpHeaderGetByName(&request->header,"accept-encoding");
+ if(val.buf) {
+ if(strstr(val.buf,"gzip") != NULL) {
+ httpHeaderDelByName(&request->header,"accept-encoding");
+ httpHeaderPutStr(&request->header,HDR_ACCEPT_ENCODING,"gzip");
+ } else if(strstr(val.buf,"deflate") != NULL) {
+ httpHeaderDelByName(&request->header,"accept-encoding");
+ httpHeaderPutStr(&request->header,HDR_ACCEPT_ENCODING,"deflate");
+ } else {
+ httpHeaderDelByName(&request->header,"accept-encoding");
+ }
+ }
+ stringClean(&val);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Normalize Accept-Encoding Headers for video/image content
+ */
+ char *mime_type = mimeGetContentType(http->uri);
+ if(mime_type) {
+ if(strstr(mime_type,"image") != NULL || strstr(mime_type,"video") != NULL || strstr(mime_type,"audio") != NULL) {
+ httpHeaderDelByName(&request->header,"accept-encoding");
+ }
+ }
* If we read past the end of this request, move the remaining
* data to the beginning

atau bisa donlot disini

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Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

yuk mainan lusca cache di freebsd....

Setelah sekian lama "bermain-main" dengan squid 2.7 STABLE7, iseng iseng mencoba lusca cache besutan Adrian Chadd. Lusca cache sebenarnya masih kerabatan sama squid 2.7 soalnya lusca dikembangkan dari sana. Perbedaannya, lusca salah satunya mencoba menitikberatkan peningkatan performa dalam peyimpanan cache ke hardisk dan beberapa script dicoba ditata ulang untuk meningkatkan performanya. Salah satu hasil signifikan adalah Modul COSS, dimana COSS lusca proses rebuildingnya lebih cepet dibanding COSS di squid aslinya.

Ok, back to topik again..
karena lusca ini nantinya akan berjalan di freebsd (saya pake freebsd 8.0) maka sudah tentu harus sukses dulu install freebsdnya :D
Untuk hanya menjalankan lusca cache difreebsd, paket yang dibutuhkan hanya perl. Anda bisa menginstallnya via port. Agar lebih "menyenangkan" , segala proses install menggunakan putty dan winscp jadi pengerjaannya via remote dari komputer/laptop basis win***s.

1. install perl via port

#cd /usr/ports/lang/perl5.10
#make install clean

tunggu beberapa saat, untuk mengetest apakah perl sudah terinstall ketikan saja diterminal perl -v

2. Download source lusca cache.

Source lusca cache versi terakhir bisa di donlot di code.google.com/p/lusca-cache/. Setelah di donlot silahkan di trasnfer ke mesin freebsd memakai winscp. Anda bisa menaruhnya di /usr/local/src
donlot juga patch ini lusca-patch nanti diesktrak dan taruh juga di /usr/local/src

3. Kompilasi lusca cache.

Setelah di transfer ke mesin freebsd via winscp dan diletakan di /usr/local/src selanjutnya kita unpack source dan lakukan patch :

#cd /usr/local/src
#tar -xvf LUSCA_HEAD-rxxxx.tar.gz
#cd LUSCA_HEAD-rxxxx
#patch -p0 < ../lusca-r14723-sum14rdi.patch #./configure --bindir=/usr/local/bin --sbindir=/usr/local/sbin --sysconfdir=/usr/local/etc/squid --datadir=/usr/local/etc/squid --libexecdir=/usr/local/libexec/squid --localstatedir=/var/log/squid --enable-removal-policies="heap" --enable-auth="basic ntlm digest" --enable-digest-auth-helpers=password --with-pthreads --enable-async-io=24 --with-aufs-threads=24 --enable-storeio="aufs coss" --disable-ident-lookups --enable-delay-pools --enable-snmp --enable-cache-digests --disable-wccp --enable-useragent-log --enable-http-violations --enable-arp-acl --enable-pf-transparent --disable-follow-x-forwarded-for --with-large-files --enable-large-cache-files --enable-default-err-language=English #make && make install

4. Running for first time

sebelum squid dijalankan pastikan telh dibuat user dan group squid di freebsd, kemudian squid.conf yang ada di /usr/local/etc/squid diconfigure sesuai kebutuhannya. Anda bisa mencontoh squid.conf saya dan pastikan anda untuk menyesuaikan dengan kondisi jaringan anda.
Jangan lupa untuk mengubah kepemilikan directory untuk cache kepada squid. Setelah itu baru :

# squid -z
# squid -DF

agar squid dapat jalan otomatis ketika restart, maka taruh squid -DF di file /etc/rc.local, jika tidak ada maka silahkan membuatnya.


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Install FreeBSD ke hardisk (bukan tutorial)

Setelah sekian lama gak tulis-tulis (akibat lupa username dan password ke blog ini) sekarang mencoba menuangkan kembali pengalaman saya. Ini adalah yang pertama pasca ketemunya username dan passwordnya :D

Sebenarnya sudah banyak yang mengulas bagaimana cara menginstall freebsd ke hardisk. Anda bisa "sowan" ke simbah google, salah dua nya yang menurut saya simple ada disini

1. www.freebsd.org
2. freebsd.or.id

secara garis besar menginstall freebsd ke hardisk meliputi beberapa bagian besar yaitu:
1. pemilihan setup
2. pemilihan partisi.
3. pemilihan file system & swap (labeling)
4. pemilihan source
5. memulai proses instalasi


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